
Rammerhead Discord Server:

1): Go to freedns.afraid.org.
2): Make an account (or login).
3): On the sidebar that says "for members" click on subdomains.
4): There should be an "add" button in the middle of the screen somewhere, click that.
5): It should bring up a page that has a window with all the options.
6): Under "type" change it to "A".
7): Skip subdomain for now.
8): Under "Domain" change it to anything that you want (as long as it's a public one) by selecting the "many more available option" When you first click it, it will tell a bunch of stuff and say 2 errors, ignore that, click the link that says "shared domain registry", then pick any that says its status is public and you think would work, you just click the domain name and it will bring you back to the configure page.
9): After selecting one, go back to the subdomain text box, and type in anything you want, somethings might be blocked like $%^&*#@, but I know numbers and letters are fine.
10): Under the "Destination" box type in as the ip (this is the rammerhead website IP).
11): Type in the captcha, it's really dumb and may take a few attempts.
12): Go to the rammerhead discord, under the "General Shark" chats, there should be a chat called "Bots" click that.
13): Then do /add-public-domain (or /add-hidden-domain) example.domain.com

IMPORTANT: DO NOT add https:// at the beginning because then the rammerhead bot will say some kind of error.